hic cups!
In the New World not every sheep at first will get to lie down with a lion.
hic cups!
In the New World not every sheep at first will get to lie down with a lion.
One sheep to the others "I told you it would end in tears changing the rules to One Man and His Dog competion.
When the Governing Body say they want wooley jumpers we just say how high?
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasteds we are all stuck up this this tree!
you can tell when you've been at the old jehovah's witness game too long when you notice these symptoms of staleness.. 1.it's boring!!!
every "new" book reads just exactly like the old ones.
adam and eve in the first chapter and armageddon in the last chapter.
Spot on again Terry I remember vividly, even though it was a long time ago, the day I realised the books that they were churning out were just so repetative .It clicked in my mind when I got chance to read some of the older books from years gone by it suddenly struck me that I know how it begins and I know how it ends the message in them is the same from Adam and Eve to Armageddon every time. it's as though each book is like an old rickety railway coach slowly moving on the rails just rolling up and down through the land of boredom never reaching the station.
Another way of understanding the Watchtower cult is to compare it with a routine from the music hall days before television when a second rate juggling act could make a living for years doing the same thing night after night.
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
Nearly every cult ,religion, political belief, way of understanding life etc. has an element of truth about it and a religion based on the Bible will always have at its core an interpretation problem. It boils down to maybe this interpretation is right or maybe that interpretation is correct sometimes we can't always be confident in what we believe there are too many unknowns.
My Dad often said to me religion is ok but don't take it too seriously I found that out for myself eventually. Maybe the attraction of the Watchtower religion is that one has a kind of insurance policy against dying forever and like all insurance policys you need to look at the small print especially where it says terms and conditions . I would also consider the qualifications,the statements and the credibility of those issuing the written promises from the men in Brooklyn.
Instead of following a group of men who followed a group of men who followed a group men and so on from way back and got nowhere maybe we should follow the second greatest commandment that Jesus gave to us the one where he says love your neighbour as yourself.
1 John 3 :18 let us not love in word, neither with the tongue, but in deed and in truth.
Works of mercy are; Spiritual Works of mercy are;
Feed the hungry. Admonish the sinner.
Give drink to the thirsty Instruct the ignorant.
Clothe the naked. Council the doubtful.
Visit the imprisoned. Comfort the sorrowful.
Shelter the homeless. Bear wrongs patiently.
Visit the sick. Forgive all injuries.
Bury the dead. Pray for the living and the dead.
i just finished reading the articles that tell us that the last 100 years of turmoil are supposed to be proof that jesus is on the throne.
i have always been confused about this, especially when i compare it to what the bible says about his return.
matthew 24:27 says, "for just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so the presence of the son of man will be.".
They do not know if Jesus is coming or going !
I go but I be back soon !
The World would improve if everybody just got on trying to make the World a better place instead of waiting for a Messiah to show up
another tidbit of information about this generation from the 1/15/2014 study edition under "let your kingdom come - but when?".
they've changed it again.. this generation will not pass away14-16.
what is a third reason for believing that gods kingdom will come soon?.
Right that does it I am going to email the Borg Top Guns and inform them that the way forward is to Advertise Avertise Advertise with a new sales slogan because the Millions Now Living Will Never Die catch phrase is so yesterday.
New slogan introduced in a special Watchtower to be pushed through every letter box in the World entitled " Younger generation could be you even though your eighty two" set to music it could be quite catchy especially on you tube with Sparlocks Granny and Grandad dancing to it.